The Point: I’ve seen a lot of leaders come, and I’m certain I’ll see a lot go in the future. But what is it about the “best” leaders that we can share with you? The “Best” Leaders one way or the other always have maximum impact on their organizations, their industries, and the world! The following seven (7) part series was developed from coaching conversations at Tip of the Spear and plays an integral part in our Business Advisory Services (Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, and Communication Skills Training for Leaders Series). In Step 1 of 7 for Maximum Impact Leadership we looked at your ability to ask questions. In Step 2 of 7 we looked at your ability to secure feedback from those questions by listening. In Step 3 of 7 we looked at your ability to think of what is being said. In Step 4 of 7 we examined your ability to thank others for their feedback. In Step 5 the opportunity arises for you to respond (but do so at your own peril!) In Step 6 we look out how you can best engage your stakeholders and take action! I hope that you’re able to implement these seven (7) “best” practices for maximum impact leadership… Enjoy!
Refresh of Maximum Impact Leadership Step 1 Ask | Step 2 Listen | Step 3 Think | Step 4 Thank | Step 5 Respond | Step 6 Engage & Act
Recall that in Step 1 of 7 of developing your maximum impact leadership, you are asking stakeholders to provide you with feedback on how you can be the “best” leader possible. You’ve asked several key questions that drive towards that destination. In Step 2 of 7 you needed to do the easy part of listening (or difficult part, depending on if you read the post!) In Step 3 of 7 we took a look at ways in which you could “think” differently (or at least this should have been different from your current thinking habits. In step 4 of 7 we realized that thanking is as much a part of the leadership equation as doing. In Step 5 of 7 we looked at how you should respond in a short, positive, targeted, and to the point manner. In Step 6 of 7 we summed up how you can engage your stakeholders and position yourself for action.
Follow Up / Follow Through
Step 7 of 7 in our Maximum Impact Leadership formula is to follow up and follow through. If the secret to real estate is location, location location.. Then the secret to Maximum Impact Leadership is follow up, follow up, follow up, and follow through! Similar to responding to a stakeholder with “Thank You” was short, positive, targeted, and to the point, so then is follow up and follow through.
Stakeholder Centered Coaching
In our Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching initiatives, part of the program is for leaders and stakeholders to meet on a monthly basis to share progress on behavioral actions identified for improvement.
Their conversations, sometimes held formally during one-to-one (1:1) meetings or less formally at the coffee pot during a business break typically always sound the same and go something like “You know Ms. Stakeholder, thank you again for providing feedback on my 360-degree assessment a few months back. Recall how I stated a few behavioral changes I was looking to make based on such feedback and asked for your assistance periodically in keeping me on-time/on-target. I was wondering if in the last 30-days you saw any behavior change in those areas as well as how I can further change for the better moving forward?”
Results Matter
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve conducted well over 500+ Executive Coaching initiatives with leaders all around the world. I’ve noticed something encourage for us all during those conversations… While I might have been the apparatus for change, the conduit was the leader and their stakeholders. In other words, I provided the structure and established with these leaders the criteria for change. However, it was up to the leaders and their stakeholders to actually create the results.
So if results are what you seek, and maximum impact leadership is a destination you believe you should be heading for, you now have the recipe (or 7 steps) to take you there.
A Word to the Wise… Get a Coach!
I’m a DIY’er (A “Do It Yourself’er”). I was fully engaged in my youth devouring everything I could get my hands on to read on topics of leadership, management, success, etc. Here’s what I found, and perhaps this is where you are to: There is more information available and no “one size fits all” recipe that’s applicable to you as an individual. I won’t say that it wasn’t without much effort/energy expended on my behalf (Read that as I not only tried really hard, but took action). Unfortunately, my efforts/energy were ultimately not rewarded until I got smart.
My Father always used to compel me to work “smart” and not “hard” when I was younger (Yours too?!?) I was certain that he was imploring some Protestant Work Ethic mind-trick on me (even though we were Catholic). In the end, with quite a few dollars spent and somewhat no closer to my goals I grabbed yet one more book. The message resonated with me, and so I reached out to the author to see if they were available for a quick call. To my surprise, he called back and suggested that I work with him in an upcoming class he was teaching on how to grow a business. So now you know the “rest of the story” (Thanks Paul Harvey) and you won’t have the pain/suffering involved in attempting to find your own way. Bottom Line: Get an Executive Coach to help you!
Ask, listen, think, thank, respond, engage/act and follow up/follow through with the stakeholders around you for maximum impact leadership. I hope you enjoyed the many leadership development lessons and executive coaching moments shared during this Maximum Impact Leadership series. While it might seem intuitive to most, the actual step-by-step process can be daunting to accomplish. So what will you do now in your leadership development journey?
Sam Palazzolo