The Point: I’ve seen a lot of leaders come, and I’m certain I’ll see a lot go in the future. But what is it about the “best” leaders that we can share with you? The “Best” Leaders one way or the other always have maximum impact on their organizations, their industries, and the world! The following seven (7) part series was developed from coaching conversations at Tip of the Spear and plays an integral part in our Business Advisory Services (Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, and Communication Skills Training for Leaders Series). In Step 1 of 7 for Maximum Impact Leadership we looked at your ability to ask questions. In Step 2 of 7 we looked at your ability to secure feedback from those questions by listening. In Step 3 of 7 we looked at your ability to think of what is being said. In Step 4 of 7 we examined your ability to thank others for their feedback. In Step 5 the opportunity arises for you to respond (but do so at your own peril!) Here in Step 6 we look out how you can best engage your stakeholders and take action! I hope that you’re able to implement these seven (7) “best” practices for maximum impact leadership… Enjoy!
Refresh of Maximum Impact Leadership Step 1 Ask | Step 2 Listen | Step 3 Think | Step 4 Thank | Step 5 Respond
Recall that in Step 1 of 7 of developing your maximum impact leadership, you are asking stakeholders to provide you with feedback on how you can be the “best” leader possible. You’ve asked several key questions that drive towards that destination. In Step 2 of 7 you needed to do the easy part of listening (or difficult part, depending on if you read the post!) In Step 3 of 7 we took a look at ways in which you could “think” differently (or at least this should have been different from your current thinking habits. In step 4 of 7 we realized that thanking is as much a part of the leadership equation as doing. In Step 5 of 7 we looked at how you should respond in a short, positive, targeted, and to the point manner.
Engage & Act
Step 6 of 7 is actually a two-parter… In order to be an effective Maximum Impact Leader you’re going to have to engage the stakeholders around you and take action. Let’s break it down…
Engage My Stakeholders?
My research over the years has been on leadership behavior, and why we as leaders do what we do. I’ve noticed the good, the bad, and the ugly behaviors that leaders exhibit in a variety of settings. One thing that I am crystal clear on is that in order for a leader to take feedback from their stakeholders and implement it into their “game” they need to engage those same stakeholders. The story could go something like the following:
“You know folks, I’ve been thinking about the feedback that you provided me in my 360-degree assessment. As a result of that feedback, these are the behaviors that I’m going to ask you to look out for. These are the behaviors that I’m going to ask you to keep me honest regarding. In our weekly one-to-one (1:1) meetings, I’m going to remind you that I’m working on them and please provide me with any examples where you saw me exhibiting them. Thank you!”
Take Action… Charge!
I also can share this little bit of a secret with you when it comes to setting goals… You’re going to have to align the troops (sometimes only yourself) and take action. Putting one step in front of the other is one method, but can be an awful slow haul. Enlisting others to keep you on track (engaged) and looking for you to take action is the best methodology.
How Do You…?
In one of the leadership development programs I’m engaged with, one of the leaders was asked for their perspective on how they have excelled at performing their job function recently (especially in light of how others might be struggling). His response was rather direct… “You need to just do it!”
You need to just do it rings true on several fronts, especially when it comes to change and taking action. No one ever got to the other shore by having the other shore come to them. If you want to get to there (Wherever “there” might be), your going to have to devise a plan to get their and then take action.
Ask, listen, think, thank, respond, and engage/act with the stakeholders around you for maximum impact leadership. There are many leadership development lessons and/or executive coaching moments you can explore for further assistance. Know this much, “Engaging” is not optional and “Action” can never be replaced with procrastination.
Sam Palazzolo