The Point: Executive Coaching engagements are often shrouded in “mystery” regarding specifics of what expectations are (and associated accountability/responsibility moments). At Tip of the Spear, we conduct Centered Executive Coaching engagements in a “cards flipped up” manner so that heading into engagements Coach, Coachee, and Sponsoring Committees are all on the same page to maximize the results of the initiative. Herein are the questions you should have answers to prior to the engagement…
Is the Executive Coaching right for you?
Most leaders in leadership development would prefer to think that Executive Coaching engagements are only applicable to those who are already languishing in a state of despair in their career, which is far from the truth. This isn’t a “penalty box” type of engagement, rather a positive leadership development activity. Practically speaking, every leader regardless of his or her position could (should) receive benefits. After reading through this, you will be shocked of just how much you need this!
Before you begin (or refer) a coaching engagement, you should ask yourself the following questions to see on which side of the coin you lie:
- Am I sure of the Reliability of my Planning Capabilities?
It naturally comes to a point where executives find themselves caught up in a difficult situation in their businesses. In such situation(s), you need either confidence and experience or the help of a coach. Coaches remove any doubts and provide you with a well-proven strategy and guidelines to deal with situation(s) at hand and make a solid plan for the future.
- Are My Leadership Visions and Objectives Still as Sharp as They Were at the Start?
The day-to-day activities often make a leader “derailed” from their ultimate purpose or goals. A coach will come in handy to clear any doubts and remove the mirage preventing you from visualizing far and wide. As a result, you understand where you are and where you are heading (even helping to set SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant or Realistic, and Time Specific).
- Two Business Paths to Take, Which Works the Best for my Company?
If you come head to head with such a scenario, you need to make decisions. One who will use the facets of coaching to guide you appropriately in which decision(s) is the best for you after having put your interest and other factors into consideration.
- Social Duties Call! Do I Attend to my Personal or Company Duties?
Do you find particular problems in comfortably balancing your career and personal life? Many people find themselves in this situation unknowingly; at times, they don’t even realize until something big crops up. An executive coach is useful in diagnosing priorities you face.
- Is your business’ Performance Deteriorating and You’re in Need of Solutions?
Any business undertaking, especially those involving making profits, typically experience a period of boom and slump; when specific attention to detail is required. Climbing back to boom requires a lot of man-hours and efforts to be invested. Employing a coach in this will give you the help you need to avoid potential extinction!
If you ever find yourself answering any of the above leadership development questions, then it is time to start looking for an executive coach. Maintaining a clear mind and the ability to make solid and tangible decisions as a leader is not a luxury you can avoid. Staying at the top of your game at all times guarantees the success and overall performance of yourself (and company)!