The Point: In most instances, purchasing an existing enterprise is less expensive than beginning from scratch when you buy a business. However, on the other hand, purchasing a business is also frequently far more expensive than starting from scratch in almost any other industry. This is because most businesses start out small and have only a slight chance of becoming profitable before they expand beyond their initial premise. For this reason, there is a substantial risk of losing money when you purchase a business. Therefore, a geographic location is one of the most important business attributes to consider when you are deciding whether to purchase an enterprise or not.

Entrepreneurship through Acquisition (ETA)
An enterprise, on the other hand, is a company with existing assets such as accounts receivable, inventory, and franchises. A business typically generates these types of assets from customers who pay their bills by credit card or electronic check. Generally, the longer it takes to bill a customer, the more profit that the business will generate. Therefore, if your customers are able to pay their accounts receivable on time, you do not lose money when you are buying an enterprise. On the other hand, if customers run away from your company, you could be faced with a flood of checks and a loss of revenue for several weeks, even months.
The Financials Matter in Entrepreneurship
Because the amount of profit generated from each sale is directly related to the amount of cash flow that you have available, it is essential that you make sure that you can service all of your customers within a reasonably short period of time. In addition, it is essential that you make sure that you have enough cash to service all of your current accounts receivable balances. If you do not have a strong cash flow performance, you may encounter difficulty in meeting your financial obligations. Therefore, it is imperative that you do everything possible to improve your cash flow if you are going to buy an enterprise.
Financing the Acquisition
In many cases, business owners try to buy businesses even if they do not have enough financial resources to finance the purchase. It is essential that you carefully consider your ability to pay cash for the asset that you are buying. For example, many business owners are willing to spend more than ten percent of their net worth just to purchase an industry leader. It is important to remember, however, that this purchase will cost them at least ten percent of their net worth at the end of the term. Therefore, if you are willing to pay more than ten percent of your net worth just to buy an industry leader, you should also be prepared to lose ten percent of your net worth when the industry leader decides to file bankruptcy.
Entrepreneurship through Industry Leader?
If you are going to purchase an industry leader, it is important that you do not rely on your accountant’s preliminary analysis as you do with many commercial purchases. The preliminary analysis provided by your accountant will provide an overview of the company’s financial results for the last three years. However, this analysis is not a full analysis and it does not take into account all of the relevant information related to the company’s business model. This means that the preliminary analysis can be quite wrong. As a result, you should make sure that you have the final analysis from a reliable source and that you understand what the company’s liabilities and assets are.
When you are looking at purchasing an industry leader, it is also important that you consider the costs associated with the transaction. For example, if the transaction is expected to result in annual recurring expenses of ten million dollars or more, you should use the services of qualified accountants who can provide you with the financial statements and other documentation that you need to make an informed decision. Also, it is imperative that you understand how the tax returns of the company impact its acquisition and whether the acquisition will have a significant effect on the company’s ability to obtain financing in the future.
Sam Palazzolo